Thursday, January 19, 2017

First experience.

So, I started off taking one of each of the vitamins in the vitality pack, and one mito max. It was late at night, and I also want to see any subtle changes that's occur, so I will be gradually adding them up to a full dose. I feel ok, mostly normal. No significant changes, but then again I am pretty certain immediate changes aren't going to occur.
This evening I tried the Verage skin care line. I started with the cleanser, than toner, than the immortelle syrum and last the moisturizer. My skin feels amazing. I suffer from dry skin and I was hesitant to use the timer because it may have dried out my skin. I am pleased to report that I feel like my face is very moisturized. In fact it is comparable to Mary Kay's line forndry skin if you add a moisturizing day/night creame and a slightly more intense moisturizer for the face. I am very pleased. I think it might be a fun idea to do before and after shots in the morning!

The First Step

This is me, every morning, I wake up and see this face. I have a medical condition called PCOS, otherwise known as poly cystic ovarian syndrome. It is an endocrine disorder that basically messes with my hormones. I gain weight because my body cannot process sugar, even intense amounts of exercise won't help, I can't have bread or sugar or I gain weight like crazy. It's rough. Other side effects are facial hair, mood swings, infertility, and a whole slew of hormonal issues such as the inability to ovulate etc.

 In the last year, I have done some amazing things and met amazing people. Without these people, I wouldn't have been brace enough to show you this photo, you see, I have to shave my face daily. I go out in public, and people stare at me and no joke walk up to me and have asked why I have a beard. It's embarrassing and combined with my weight gain and infertility issues of the past, helped to contribute to my feeling severely insecure, and not feminine at all.

Those of you who know me, know how upsetting it is, how the few times I've waxed, we still never got out all the hair and it grew back and was red and raw and just a hassle, so painful, and hurt emotionally as well as physically. A woman isn't supposed to have a beard. Why do I look like a man?  It has sent me to my room crying often ashamed of how I look. I hated myself. But no more. I struggled with my weight and I yoyo a lot, mostly because of the hormones and when I do lose I usually end up pregnant which messes with my body, and then, I have saggy skin and still hated how I looked, even when I was thin, I hated myself.

Last year my New Years resolution was to love myself more, to do something for myself, this has made the world of a difference. I still have insecurities but as I have been working on loving myself, I have been taking better care of myself. I found something that worked for me, to help manage symptoms of pcos and other issues I had like depression. Through aromatherapy I have been better able to manage my moods and relax and treat myself. This year I feel confident enough to share with you my plans.

I am going to take better care of myself, love myself fully as I am. Because how can you love yourself as a thin person if you don't love yourself as a soft person? This year, I am going to start something BIG! I have heard so many people close to me talk about how life changing it will be, but as I continue to work on myself outside, I want to work on myself inside. My hopes are, that as my health improves, maybe some of my symptoms of PCOS will be a little less noticeable.

So, what is my plan? I of course, am starting on the doTerra lifelong vitality pack! I also am going to start the skincare line and try this out, and use the slim and sassy Trimshake along with the slim and sassy essential oil to  at the least help with health and any cravings I desire.  And I am going to document any changes I see. I am not going to weigh myself, and my goal isn't a tight toned body, it's just, to be happier and healthier than I have ever been before. Baby steps. When you love your body, you want to take care of it. So if anyone out there is struggling with something, like weight or anything else. Remember something important:
"None of us come to this earth to gain our worth, we brought it with us." -Sheri Dew.

I am super excited to go down this path. I am so nervous about sharing this side of myself and the feedback I may receive. I hope that this might inspire someone else to learn to love themselves. It is so hard to love yourself in a world where we are constantly told we aren't good enough, in a world of impossible standards. I can only hope that my story, helps someone, maybe you, and to me that is enough! I have heard amazing things about these vitamins alone so I am really excited to try them! Wish me luck!